Bangkok City Thai Restaurant

23 Valley Rd
Middletown, RI 02842

ph: 401-848-2250
fax: 401-848-7899


Warm your palet with fresh, made to order soups.

All soups are $3.oo for a bowl and $6.00 for a hot pot, except 15. TOM YUM TA-LAY-TONG $4.00/$8.00.

    Thai spicy hot&sour seafood soup with lemongrass, tomato, onion, mushroom, kaffir lime leaf.
  • * 19. TOM YUM GOONG

    Thai spicy hot&sour shrimp soup with lemongrass, tomato, onion, mushroom, kaffir lime leaf.
  • * 20 TOM YUM KAI

    Thai spicy hot&sour chicken soup with lemongrass, tomato, onion, mushroom, kaffir lime leaf.

    clear soup with crabmeat & vegetables.
  • 22. TOFU SOUP

    clear bean curd soup with minced pork & vegetables.
  • 23. TOM KHA-KAI

    clear chicken soup with coconut milk, lime juice & galangal.

Dishes with an asterisk (*) represent a Hot & Spicy item. When ordering please specify degree of spice desired:

* Coward

** Cautious

*** Adventurous

**** Native Thai

Staff Favorites:

"The Tom Kha-Kai is a great soup to start with if you are not to keen on spice. It's also great to put out the fires after trying the Jumping Shrimp."


Copyright Bangkok City Restaurant. All rights reserved.

Prices are subject to change.

23 Valley Rd
Middletown, RI 02842

ph: 401-848-2250
fax: 401-848-7899